O’Loughlin Trade Shows never sells its exhibitors lists. In the event you are approached by a third party vendor to purchase our lists know that we do not share or sell our lists. Furthermore, O’Loughlin Trade Shows does not endorse or recommend any third party data companies who provide lists. If you ever have questions about products or services associated with O’Loughlin Trade Shows, please, give us a call and check with us directly.


Wed – Fri: 10am – 6pm
Saturday: 10am – 7pm
Sunday: 10am – 4pm
Wed – Thur: 10am – 6pm
Fri-Sat: 10am – 7pm
Sunday: 10am – 4pm


Monday, January 27th – Noon to 8PM
Tuesday, January 28th – 8AM to 8PM

No vehicles will be allowed in the buildings after 8PM on Tuesday. 

Booth & Bulk Pricing

Click here for exhibitors rate info

Advertising & Sponsorships

Increase your product and service awareness


Click here to download our official floorplan

Online Application

Click here to apply online to this event

Exhibitor Downloads

Click here for other exhibitor downloads

Booth & Bulk space pricing


10' x 10'
$ 1,500 per booth
  • 8’ draped back wall and 3’ draped side walls
  • One electrical outlet up to 600 watts capacity
  • Exhibitor booth sign
  • 24 hour security staff
  • Master passes and discount coupons


$ 3.75 per sq ft
  • 24 hour security staff
  • Master passes and discount coupons
  • Forklift service

Electrical—first 1000 sq ft receives one 5 amp outlet; each additional 750 sq ft receives another 5 amp outlet

No space dividers/drapes
furnished with bulk space


$ 1.50 per sq ft
  • 24 hour security staff
  • Master passes and discount coupons
  • Forklift service

Electrical—first 1000 sq ft receives one 5 amp outlet; each additional 750 sq ft receives another 5 amp outlet

No space dividers/drapes
furnished with bulk space

Apply for one or all of our shows directly on our site. Just click the button below to view our show application.

This is an At Will event. Exhibitors agree to attend at their own risk. The Attendee agrees to indemnify and hold forever harmless WASHINGTON SPORTSMEN’S SHOW, WASHINGTON STATE FAIR EVENTS CENTER, it’s advertising or promotion agencies, their agents, officers, employees, affiliates, and assigns for injuries, accidents, misfortunes, or causes of action arising from or in connection with attending this event.

You will need the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to view/print.


Click here to download the 2025 brochure.

This a high-res exhibitor brochure which lists a show calendar, reasons to exhibit, fax application, contact information, show images, and other important information for all the Sportsmen’s Shows that O’Loughlin Trade Shows produces. **Show hours are subject to any necessary change without notice.

 Floor plans by O’Loughlin Trade Shows. Copyright 2024.

Hi-Res (56mb)

Low-Res (14mb)


The official exhibitor floor plan for the 2025 Washington Sportsmen’s Show is now available for download. Click on the floor plan to the right or the button below to view a hi-res version.

**Show hours are subject to any necessary change without notice.

 Floor plans by O’Loughlin Trade Shows. Copyright 2024.

The Sport Shows®…By The Numbers

1 – The number one Sportsmen’s Show in each of the show’s respective markets.
3 – Number of O’Loughlin Sportsmen’s Shows it takes to capture the entire Pacific Northwest.
4 – Generations of O’Loughlin’s producing Sport Shows.
8 – Number of shows the O’Loughlin’s produce in a year, including boat and RV shows.
9 – The percentage of attendees planning to buy an RV within the year.
10 – The percent of attendees that plan to buy a vehicle within the year.
15 – The percent of males aged 25 to 34 that attend the Sportsmen’s Shows.
16 – The percent of attendees that plan to buy a boat within the next three years.
20 – The percentage of males from 55 and older that attend the shows.
30 – The number of males aged 35 to 54 (by percentage) that attend the Sport Shows.
32 – The percentage of females that attend the shows.
38 – The percentage of Sport Show exhibitors from the Northwest.
45 – Million dollars spent by attendees with exhibitors within 90 days of our shows.
47 – Million dollars in sales made right at our shows.
62 – Percent of exhibitors from outside the Northwest, including Canada, Alaska, and Africa.
66 – Percent of attendees who made a purchase from our exhibitors.
68 – The percentage of males that attend the shows.
73 – The percentage of attendees that hunt.
81 – Years of O’Loughlin show experience and expertise to back you.
90 – The percentage of attendees that fish.
98.50 – Average number of dollar sales per square foot of exhibit space.
369 – Average attendance per sq. ft. of exhibit space.
700 – The number of trout over 4 pounds stocked in the kid’s trout pond.
1,069 – Average purchase (in dollars) made by attendees.
7,140 – The number of trout stocked in the kid’s trout pond between all three shows.
122,236 – The combined attendance of the three Sportsmen’s Shows.
1,965,903 – The three year average value of the advertising and promotion for the Sportsmen’s Shows.
115,569,586 – The three year average number of impressions generated through Sport Show advertising.



Please use the download links below to view and print important exhibitor documents. If you are having troubles viewing anything, please try to update your Adobe Acrobat Reader software first before contacting a sales representative.


The show manual includes information about everything that has to do with move-in, plus much more.

Decorator Kit

The Show Decorator is Trade Show Supply House, Inc. You may contact them at 360-624-4498 for rental of carpets, furniture, sign-making and cleaning of displays. Please be advised, if not ordered in advance, services and equipment will be subject to “floor order” rates.


Each booth and bulk space is furnished with one (1) fused 120-volt duplex receptacle outlet of up to 5 AMPS capacity without charge. For additional electrical requirements, contact the Washington State Fair Events Center at 253-841-5018. If not ordered in advance, services and equipment will be subject to “floor order” rate.


For additional needs please contact Hollywood Lights at 206-292-2353.

Will Call Form

Download and fill this form out if you plan on having an extensive Will Call list.


There is no technical support with the wifi. The WIFI is free to use and no password is required.
For access please look for “Fair Guest” when searching from your wireless device.


The Washington State Fair Events Center will install individual business telephone lines if you desire. To inquire, please call 253-841-5018 or download the form.


The Washington State Fair Events Center does not provide DSL service. For a secured line you must order from Lumen and complete the telephone order form and return it to the Fair Office or order through a local provider. If you have questions please call Brenda at the Washington State Fair Events Center at 253-841-5057.

Audio / Visual

For additional sound and visual equipment needs please contact Audio Visions Plus at 541-312-6464 or download the order form below


Shahinian Insurance Services Inc. is pleased to offer you discounted exhibitor liability coverage while participating in any O’Loughlin Sportsmen’s Show event. This program is affordable and easy to purchase. To expedite coverage, please call Shahinian Insurance Inc. at 800-457-2231


The biggest and best Sportsmen’s Shows–every spring–put you in front of an unmatched audience. Can you afford to miss these golden opportunities?

Attracting crowds of targeted upscale consumers, the O’Loughlin Sportsmen’s Shows serve as a catalyst for all sorts of trips, gear and information. An analysis by a local university revealed that 90% of show attendees bought from our exhibitors, either at the shows or as a result of attending. Their total purchase volume was over $105 million! What’s more, half of the sales were in excess of $21,000. Shouldn’t your business be in the midst all of this selling action?

Tens of thousands of serious buyers mean serious business for exhibitors at the Washington Sportsmen’s Show. There simply isn’t a more cost-effective way to meet prospects face-to-face, build lasting relationships and make sales immediately and for months afterwards. Exhibitor satisfaction and success explain why our renewal rate is one of the highest in the nation. Dollar for dollar, no other marketing investment will deliver you more qualified prospects than the O’Loughlin Sportsmen’s Shows.